June 21-23 come on out and visit Valero, Cordero, my mother, myself and many other wonderful mustang people to view and MORE IMPORTANTLY ADOPT some amazing mustangs! Stop by and see us!
So these past two days I was able to get out with the horses! I had several friends come over who had never ridden a horse, so who else to put them on but Kahlua! She as usual tested their patience and momma had to get on her to straighten her out( she even tried to pull one over on me that little brat)! I rode Valero while my friends were learning on Kahlua. Lero made a very good teaching assistant. He was very calm and when Kahlua needed a little push as far as speed goes he had no problem tailing her (Probably because he never gets to do that on his own out in the pasture ;D). I decided to do some trick stuff on Lero to get him ready for this adoption we are going to in Illinois! I stood on him, sat backwards and rode around on him, flipped off him, and tried something new.... riding him on his butt. He didn't like this, crow hopped once, and i landed on my feet disciplined him and got back on and he was good! Valero was barely sweating when we got off but Kahlua was dripping so i hosed Kahlua down. Great days!

May 30th.

Well its been a while since i've been about to get out there with Valero, but I was finally able to since I am now on summer break! I groomed him a bit. Then wouldn't you know, it started raining! I took this as an opportunity, put on the yellow rain coat we use for desensitizing and lunged him/disengaged his hind quarters several times. By this point it was pouring so I took him back to his pen, threw the rain coat over him a few times and let him go! Very productive little lesson!